Youth Employment and Social Support Operation
The Youth Employment and Social Support Operation (YESSO) is in line with the World Bank and Nigeria’s commitment to poverty reduction by creating opportunities for the poor and vulnerable people of Nigeria to access increased opportunities for youth employment and social service delivery. YESSO supports existing institutions to help strengthen their capacities for poverty alleviation. Objectives
The revised Development Objective (DO) of this support operation is to “increase access of the poor and vulnerable, using improved safety net systems, to youth employment opportunities in all participating states and to provide targeted grant transfers to the poor, vulnerable and internally displaced people (idps) in the new states.” using improved safety net system (ssn) would have a common targeting system and a unified registry of potential beneficiaries as major elements to facilitate basic services for poor households.
Achievements So Far
Establishment of a single register of P&VHH throughout the State;
Six (6) months stipend payment to 4,909 PWF beneficiaries; and
Two (2) times payment to 2,754 aged and handicapped in six (6) LGAs of the State