The Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project (RAAMP) is one of the World Bank projects though not yet declared effective but about going to World Bank Board for consideration and approval. By implication the project is yet to commence but the State has met the Bank’s requirements.
- Improve rural access and agricultural marketing
- Enhancing sustainability of rural road network.
- Improving agricultural productivity and value chain.
- Incorporating agricultural marketing/ agro logistics services
Achievements So Far
- Eligibility criteria, met by the state Government.
- Rural Access Roads and Agro Logistic Prioritization Study completed..
- Pilot Road Construction at Molege-Igbokoro Ute/Owo Road.
- Disclosure of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) is completed.
- Disclosure of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is ongoing.
- Advertisement for Concept and detail engineering design is still running (To close on 18/09/2018).
- Mobility (Vehicles)
- Inadequate Monthly Running Expenses
Way Forward
- The State Government to ensure provision mobility (Vehicles)
- The World Bank to do all necessary action for the effectiveness of the project.