The Community and Social Development Project (CSDP) is a World Bank assisted project established in November, 2009 for increased access by the poor people to improved social and natural resources infrastructure service in a sustainable manner. The specific objectives of the project are:
i. Empower communities to plan, part-finance, monitor and maintain sustainable and social inclusive multi-sectoral projects;
ii. Facilitate and increase community-LGA partnership on Human Development – related projects;
iii. Increase the capacity of the LGAs, State and Federal Agencies to implement and monitor Community Driven Development (CDD) policies and interventions; and
iv. Leverage Federal, State and Local Governments’ resources for greater coverage of the CDD intervention in communities.


Ondo State Government made available a counterpart fund of N340m to match $5m credit for the first phase of the project, which was between 2009 and 2014.
In addition, a counterpart contribution of N210m has also been made available to match $4.5m credit for the CSDP Additional Financing (CSDP AF) Phase of the project, which is currently ongoing.
CSDP AF started effectively in 2015 and to terminate in 2020.


304 Micro-Projects (MPs) implemented under seven sectors namely:
i. Education (40 MPs): In 40 Communities, 103 classrooms were constructed, 42 classrooms rehabilitated, 76 tables and 58 complementary chairs were provided for teachers, 724 students/pupils desks and chairs were provided, 7 and 3 Science Laboratories were constructed and rehabilitated respectively, 11 Laboratories equipped and 26 VIP toilets constructed. A total population of 326,457 benefitted.
ii. Rural Electrification and installation of Transformers (37 MPs): 25 Communities with estimated population of 127,580 were connected to electricity.
iii. Environment and National Resources (11 MPs): In 11 communities, 10 VIP Toilets 22 incinerators, 1,620m drainage channels constructed and 130 trees planted. 11 Communities with a total population of 4600 are beneficiaries.
iv. Health (34 MPs): 33 and 1 Health Centres completed and ongoing respectively, 4 Health Centres rehabilitated, 23 Health Centres equipped, 3 Health staff Residential Units constructed. 33 Communities with a total population of 41,500 were direct beneficiaries.
v. Social-Economic (47 MPs): 19 Civic Centres/Community Halls, 142 Open Stalls, 64 Lock-Up Stalls and 11 Skill Acquisition Centres completed and equipped. 60 Communities with a total population of 30,018 benefitted.
vi. Transport (74 MPs): In 69 Communities, 21 rural roads of total length of 41km were constructed, 21 roads of total length of 96km were rehabilitated, 17 bridges, 1,070m drainage and 83 culverts were constructed. 3 Walkways and 3 jetties were constructed in the riverine communities. A total population of 90,714 people in these communities benefitted.
vii. Water (61 MPs): In 70 Communities, 23 Motorized Boreholes with 2,120m reticulation and 128 water fetching points, 20 Hand Pumped Boreholes and 62 Open Concrete wells were constructed. A total population of 56,108 benefitted.
Stakeholders’ capacities were adequately built on the principles and practices of Community and Social Development Project Facilitation, Participatory Rural Appraisal, Participatory planning and Budgeting, Community Driven Development, Community contracting and Procurements, etc.
viii. 95 Community Project Management Committees (CPMCs) comprising 1,615 committee members trained.
ix. MDAs Desk Officers/54 LG Desk Officers trained.
x. 18 Local Government Review Committees comprising 72 members trained.